Highlights from the 1st Annual ECC Family Gathering


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Building Community 
What a blessing to have such a beautiful community. Twelve children and 22 adults socialized around the fire circle, camped and played in and around the pond at Star Heart Farm in Madison County. On Saturday evening Sheila and Jeff guided the children through a ceremony to initiate the newly created Eagle Condor Elder Circle.

Earth Honoring Work

Our friend and Teacher don Beto on his visit to Star Heart Farm last fall told us that the Pine Knoll (a steep mini-mountain covered with pines), because of its central location and connection to the Apus that surround the farm, should be the site for a BIG Apacheta.

"I  have been coming up here to celebrate and bask in the beauty of this place since I was a young child so it was nice to receive that kind of confirmation from him. The problem was how to get enough rocks up to the site to build the  Apacheta from don Beto’s instructions.  When there’s a will there’s a way. After a couple of hours, a couple gallons of sweat and lots of Madison County style cutting-up  we had finished hauling a few tons of rock up the knoll and constructed a massive apacheta! Thank you Paqos!!" - Callan Welder, ECC Teacher

The Star Hart Pulsation Center

The original Pulsation Center was built in 2008 from direct instructions given by the late Maria Felsenreich of Austria.  She was a scientist working to promote resonance fields within the Earth to balance and heal the effects from electromagnetic stress and radiation. It remained untouched for 10 years.

"I recently began receiving instructions from the nature beings to begin tending it once again.  It’s now taking on fresh new life of its own from the support of our community to help strengthen the energy transforming capacities of plants, animals, humans and the greater ecosystem as it was originally intended."  - Callan Welder, ECC Teacher

Strengthening Our Connections with  Pachamama 

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jeffrey schmitt